EXHIBITION March 20 — April 17 2021
The Grid
The Grid
Luia Corsini
March 20 – April 17, 2021
“The viewer is invited to explore my paintings, to look between the lines of positive and negative space, to lose themselves and perhaps find themselves within the shapes and colors. " L. Corsini
Notions linked to nature circulate in Luia Corsini's work, materialized through vibrant colors and, recently, through the research she has carried out in Mexico, El Salvador and Los Angeles on natural dyes. In her paintings, firmly geometric figures intersect each other, taking the form of a “grid”, a word with which Corsini names her body of work. Sentimental cartographies that testify the artist's experience in inhabiting different cities in the world. "A huge existential grid made by humans ..." is how she describes New York City, where the series "The Grid" originally started. The segmentations functioned at first as a mapping of the city, a sort of aerial view that reveals the veins of the urban territories that we live in. Approaching a spiritual and somatic treatment of color and geometry, Corsini is interested in exploring categories of beauty and nature in the universe.